Juniper Berry
Juniperus Communis
Juniper Berry Oil has a floral, calming scent which when used in aromatherapy it can cleanse the mind, reduce stress and instill a calm feeling into your body. It is an oil that layers well with others, or can be used on its own.
History of Juniper Berry Oil
Juniper Berry Oil, also known as Juniperus Communis is from the Cupressacceae family and originated from countries such as Northern Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, France and Austria. It is an oil that first originated in Europe before branching out to the rest of the world. Most of its suppliers even today are situated either in Europe or the Middle East due to the growing conditions it needs to thrive. It has been used in religious ceremonies and rituals, and was recorded as far back as 1550BC where it was used by the Ancient Egyptians to treat tapeworm.
Since then, it has been used globally to treat a number of diseases and illnesses and is still popular in indigineous cultures today as a staple. It wasn’t just the oil which was used; tonics and juices from the berries were used to treat disease too. Aside from its medicinal properties, it has also been used to ward off evil spirits and keep those in good health.
Today, Juniper Berry Oil is still incredibly popular in the essential oil community, and is used in aromatherapy to purify and clear the mind, and topical applications can be used on eczema, weeping eczema, acne, dermatitis and other skin irritations and dry patches. It can also be used as an acute treatment for blemish flare ups and is a highly sought after oil in the natural beauty community.
So, why is Juniper Berry Oil still so popular today?
Due to its versatility and accessibility it is an oil that is incredibly popular, especially when it comes to skincare and disease treatments. Due to its extensive use throughout history, there is enough evidence to suggest that the benefits of Juniper Berry Oil are universal, and although there are not many scientific tests done on essential oils - there is definitely anecdotal and historical evidence to prove that it is an effective natural method for multiple issues.
Also, it’s an oil which can be purchased at an affordable price, which incentives those to try the oil and invest in it. It works beautifully on its own but can also be blended with many other essential oils on the market, and these blends can target a number of problems whether it’s through aromatherapy or through topical use.
Extracting Juniper Berry Oil
Like most essential oils on the market, the oil is made using a process called steam distillation. This involves using water (which is then turned into steam) with the crushed (and almost ripe) berries. The steam gently lifts the oil from the berries where it later collects on top of the condensed water once it has cooled. The oil is then skimmed from the top and voila - your essential oil is made. It’s a popular method as it is the least invasive method of essential oil extraction, but also allows for the manufacturer to still have a high yield of the oil.
Can I make Juniper Berry Oil at home?
Yes - you can. Providing you have access to juniper berries from a store or you are able to grow the berries yourself, you can make the oil pretty easily. There are two methods you can use. Firstly, if you are someone who makes essential oils regularly then we recommend buying your own at home steam distiller, which will save you money instead of renting it. You can then follow the process and be left with the oil, which shouldn’t take longer than a day or so. The other method is to use dried juniper berries and infuse them with a carrier oil such as Jojoba Oil or Almond Oil. This will involve heating the mixture for around 6-8 hours, but if you don’t have access to a steam distiller and want to create a weaker version (which can be a great alternative for some skincare remedies) then you can do it this way!
What do you think of Juniper Berry Oil? Is it an essential in your collection? Have you made the oil at home before? As always, the Essentially Yours team loves hearing about how you’re using your essential oils as well as your favourite blends. So, feel free to reach out and share your story with one of the team today!
Can I make Juniper Berry Oil at home?
Yes - you can. Providing you have access to juniper berries from a store or you are able to grow the berries yourself, you can make the oil pretty easily. There are two methods you can use. Firstly, if you are someone who makes essential oils regularly then we recommend buying your own at home steam distiller, which will save you money instead of renting it. You can then follow the process and be left with the oil, which shouldn’t take longer than a day or so. The other method is to use dried juniper berries and infuse them with a carrier oil such as Jojoba Oil or Almond Oil. This will involve heating the mixture for around 6-8 hours, but if you don’t have access to a steam distiller and want to create a weaker version (which can be a great alternative for some skincare remedies) then you can do it this way!
What do you think of Juniper Berry Oil? Is it an essential in your collection? Have you made the oil at home before? As always, the Essentially Yours team loves hearing about how you’re using your essential oils as well as your favourite blends. So, feel free to reach out and share your story with one of the team today!
Juniper Berry Oil Varieties
Juniper Berry Oil Varieties
There are many varieties of the juniper berry plant, but in terms of the oil there can be variations depending on where you extract the oil from. There are some oils on the market which are made using the leaves of the juniper berry plant, which have a different composition to an oil made from the dried, ripe berries only. There is nothing to suggest that one particular variety is better than the other, but it’s important to look at the compositions and what works best for the issue that you’re trying to target.
So, which variety of Juniper Berry Oil should I use?
With this particular oil there is nothing to suggest that one variety works better than the other, however for the purpose of us talking about Juniper Berry Oil only, we would recommend purchasing an oil that is made from the berry rather than the leaves, as the composition of the berry derived oil has been used for centuries throughout history to treat a number of issues, and therefore you can guarantee that you will see the results and benefits with this particular oil.
However, if you want to experiment and try a different variation of Juniper Berry Oil then you can, it just depends on the accessibility that you have to the berry and whether you could make the oil at home. Please note that you may also get different varieties in scent and texture depending on your distributor and how ripe their berries were when they did the extraction, as all of these factors can change the texture and scent of your oil - but not the composition of it!
What do you think of Juniper Berry Oil? Is it an essential in your collection? As always, the Essentially Yours team loves hearing about how you’re using your essential oils as well as your favourite blends. So, feel free to reach out and share your story with one of the team today!
So, which variety of Juniper Berry Oil should I use?
With this particular oil there is nothing to suggest that one variety works better than the other, however for the purpose of us talking about Juniper Berry Oil only, we would recommend purchasing an oil that is made from the berry rather than the leaves, as the composition of the berry derived oil has been used for centuries throughout history to treat a number of issues, and therefore you can guarantee that you will see the results and benefits with this particular oil.
However, if you want to experiment and try a different variation of Juniper Berry Oil then you can, it just depends on the accessibility that you have to the berry and whether you could make the oil at home. Please note that you may also get different varieties in scent and texture depending on your distributor and how ripe their berries were when they did the extraction, as all of these factors can change the texture and scent of your oil - but not the composition of it!
What do you think of Juniper Berry Oil? Is it an essential in your collection? As always, the Essentially Yours team loves hearing about how you’re using your essential oils as well as your favourite blends. So, feel free to reach out and share your story with one of the team today!
Benefits of Juniper Berry Oil
Juniper Berry Oil, also known as Juniperus Communis is from the Cupressacceae family and originated from Europe and the Middle East. It has been used in religious ceremonies and rituals, with its first use recorded by the Ancient Egyptians who would use the oil to treat tapeworm and other stomach issues. Today, it is a popular essential oil used across aromatherapy, skincare and alternative medicine and can be used to treat multiple issues either on its own or blended with other essential oils on the market.
So, what are the benefits of using Juniper Berry Oil?
Juniper Berry Oil has amazing antibacterial properties. It is often used on small cuts, grazes and wounds to assist with stemming further infection.
Similar to it being antibacterial, the antimicrobial properties in Juniper Berry Oil are great as you can use it to keep disease and infection at bay. It can also work well if you travel often and want a natural insect repellent or insect bite treatment, as it soothes the area and reduces inflammation.
Soothes skin
Juniper Berry Oil is popular in skincare because of the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which can help with breakouts and irritated skin.
Pain reliever
The oil works well as a pain reliever and can be used topically to treat muscle and joint pain, headaches, minor sports injury and menstrual pain. It works well with other pain relieving essential oils such as Clary Sage Oil to create powerful pain relieving blends.
Rich in Vitamin C
The oil is rich in Vitamin C, which is great if you’re looking to up your vitamin intake, particularly as Vitamin C works well to brighten the skin and keep it looking and feeling refreshed. It can also boost your mood and enable you to absorb other vitamins.
Please note that the benefits felt from Juniper Berry Oil can vary from person to person and what works for you, may not work for someone else. You should always consult with a doctor before using, and if you are using the oil topically it should always be mixed with a carrier oil so it doesn’t irritate the skin. If irritation occurs, please consult a dermatologist.
Uses of Juniper Berry Oil
Juniper Berry Oil is a popular oil that has been used for thousands of years in medicine and skincare. Its first use was in the Ancient Egyptian period (1550BC) where the oil was used to treat tapeworm. Today, Juniper Berry Oil is still incredibly popular in the essential oil community, and when used topically or inhaled to get the desired effect.
So, what can I use Juniper Berry Oil for?
Juniper Berry Oil can work well on its own as well as with other essential oils to create calming blends that can help to tackle anxiety and depression. Juniper Berry Oil exudes a feeling of balance; one of our favourite blends is juniper, lavender and jasmine together.
Juniper Berry Oil is popular in skincare due to its high content of Vitamin C which naturally brightens and tones the skin. It can be used to make facial oils, serums and overnight treatments. Its antibacterial properties mean that it works really well on acne-prone skin, too.
The oil can work well on your scalp to promote hair growth as well as diminish dry patches. You can create a beautiful hair mask using Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil and Juniper Berry Oil which you can leave on for 1-2 hours before washing out.
Muscle and joint pain
When applied topically with a carrier oil, Juniper Berry Oil can be an effective pain reliever. It can target any muscle and joint pain, and works particularly well with menstrual cramps. Our favourite blend to relieve menstrual cramps is Clary Sage Oil, Juniper Berry Oil and then Castor Oil.
Home scent
If you’re looking to add a subtle and pleasant scent to your home, you can add Juniper Berry Oil into a spray bottle with some water, or put a few drops into an electric diffuser to instill a feeling of calm and tranquility in your whole home.
Blends well with
Here at Essentially Yours, we love sharing our tips, tricks and knowledge with you so you can get the most out of your essential oil collection. Whether it’s understanding the history behind an oil, or finding the best blends - our website has all the information you’ll need. In this blog we’re going to talk about Juniper Berry Oil and what it blends well with. So, if you want to learn more - keep reading!
Coconut Oil
Creamy, luxurious and thick, Coconut Oil is an amazing carrier oil to blend your essential oils with if you’re looking to create nourishing treatments for your hair, skin and nails. Mixing Coconut Oil and Juniper Berry Oil together creates a beautiful hair and scalp mask which can help to keep dandruff at bay. Remember, Coconut Oil is solid at room temperature so if you’re making a blend, you’ll need to heat it up slightly first.
BUY NOWJojoba Oil
Lightweight and silky, Jojoba Oil is a great carrier oil if you are looking to do facial skincare treatments and don’t want to use an oil that will clog your pores, particularly if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin. Jojoba Oil has a similar makeup to your skin’s natural oils, so using this with Juniper Berry Oil can make a beautiful lightweight facial oil which won’t leave you feeling greasy.
BUY NOWAlmond Oil
Sweet and smooth, Almond Oil is ideal if you’re looking to create a blend which can target muscle and joint pain. It absorbs quickly but still feels luxurious and nourishing.
BUY NOWLavender Oil
We love Lavender Oil because it blends with practically every essential oil on the market. To create a calming blend that can help you go to sleep and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, blend lavender and juniper berry together - and thank us later!
BUY NOWCypress Oil
Woody and creamy, we love that the scent of Cypress Oil feels grounding, natural and homely. It works well with Juniper Berry Oil to create a soothing muscle and joint rub.
BUY NOWClary Sage Oil
This oil is excellent for the ladies out there, as it works well to target menstrual pain and balance hormones. Juniper Berry Oil also has similar properties, so together they are a great blend. Massage into the area causing you pain during your period (legs, back, pelvic area) and the blend will stimulate blood flow and reduce cramping.
BUY NOWCedarwood Oil
Woody and comforting, we love Cedarwood Oil as it can work well blended and put into an electric diffuser, but can also double up well as a blend that you can put in the bath to soak sore muscles and make you feel calm. If you prefer to not have baths, you can massage the mixture into your skin before bed.